Man’s Cardi Jacket: On the Final Sleeve!

Patterns available on Ravelry
Accessories available on Etsy

Progress on the first cardigan jacket:

The right side is finished and blocked, and the first sleeve is finished, but not yet blocked. I’ve cast on for the final sleeve, and expect to have that finished by next week.

Here’s a photo of the right front – placed on top of the back and next to the left front.


The sleeves call for increases after the the cuff ribbing, and they’re worked on both the right and wrong sides of the sleeve. I chose the KFB and PFB (knit front and back; purl front and back) methods, and placed the increases inside the selvedge stitch at each end of the rows.

The sleeves also call for decreases as the sleeve cap is shaped. These are done only on the right side rows. I chose to use SSK (slip, slip, knit) at the right edge, as it’s a left-leaning decrease that follows the edge of the fabric. At the left edge, I chose to use a K2tog (knit 2 together), as it’s a right-leaning decrease that follows the edge of the fabric at that edge.

Again, the decreases are worked inside the selvedge stitches at each end of the rows.


Here’s a photo of what I’ve done so far:


After I finish the second sleeve and block both sleeves, the next (final!) stage I’ll be working on is finishing .

Finishing involves seaming and creating the pocket bands, collar, and front bands. This is all new to me and it’s become clear that the quality of the finishing will make or break this project!

Happy Knitting!

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One thought on “Man’s Cardi Jacket: On the Final Sleeve!”

  1. It’s looking grand, especially for a first try. Can’t wait to see the finished work of knitted art 🙂

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